Education for Sustainable Democracy
Education for Sustainable Democracy
A Research-Practice Partnership for Civic Education, with Kei Kawashima-Ginsburg (Tufts & CIRCLE) and Mary Ellen Daneels (Illinois Civics Hub)
How can state laws improve civic education, and how can research-practice partnerships support the enactment of these state laws? This episode explores how an ambitious Illinois civic education law, passed in 2015, is being enacted with the help of a research-practice partnership. I speak with Kei Kawashima-Ginsburg and Mary Ellen Daneels, who are leading this partnership, which has helped tens of thousands of educators strengthen their civics-oriented teaching. Kei is the Director of CIRCLE, the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, and Mary Ellen is the Director of the Illinois Civics Hub and the Illinois Democracy Schools Network. In our conversation, we discuss how their work is helping teachers enact best practices in civic education, including service learning, simulations, and discussions of controversial issues.
Episode Resources
Illinois Civics Hub
Online Civic Ed Professional Development
CIRCLE (Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning & Engagement)
Research-Practice Partnership Network
ESD Podcast Resources
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