Education for Sustainable Democracy
Education for Sustainable Democracy
Creating "Brave Spaces" for Learning, with Dr. Kewsi Burgess (Hackett Middle School, Albany, NY)
How can literacy learning support civic engagement? How can educators best support the literacy learning of young African-American males? On this episode, Brett speaks with Kewsi Burgess, a veteran middle school teacher in the City School District of Albany. Dr. Burgess recently earned his doctoral degree at the University at Albany, and his dissertation closely examined how one seasoned African-American educator supported the literacy learning of the black boys in his classroom. In this interview, he explains how literacy learning is intertwined with civic education and how teachers can create a positive classroom culture that encourages broad and meaningful participation. Kewsi also discusses his personal and professional journey and how he is using what he learned in his dissertation study.
Episode Resources
Article about Kewsi Burgess
Video featuring Kewsi Burgess
E. Moje on Adolescent Literacy
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