Education for Sustainable Democracy
Education for Sustainable Democracy
Civic Education during a Democratic Crisis, with Walter Parker (University of Washington, Seattle)
How should educators prepare youth for democratic participation at a moment when democracy itself seems so fragile? For ESD's third anniversary episode, Walter Parker, professor emeritus at the University of Washington - Seattle, explores the answer to this question by sharing ideas from his new book, Education for Liberal Democracy: Using Classroom Discussion to Build Knowledge and Voice. Walter Parker is one of the most influential social studies education scholars of our time. In his new book and on this episode, he argues that education can and must address a twofold crisis in our democracy – a legitimacy crisis and an epistemic crisis. Brett and Walter discuss how this can be done in the classroom and beyond.
Episode Resources
About Walter Parker
Walter's New Book: Education for Liberal Democracy
Walter's Knowledge-in-Action Project
Gutman's Book: Democratic Education
Brett's Media Literacy Education Paper
ESD Podcast Resources
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