Education for Sustainable Democracy

A Congressional Bill to Strengthen Civic Education, with Cat McDonald (DC Lobbyist for Civic Ed)

November 01, 2021

Will the federal government support a comprehensive civic education bill? The Civics Secures Democracy Act is a Congressional proposal to  support civic education with about one billion dollars annually over five years. Currently the bill has sponsors from both major parties, but it is not without detractors.

In this episode, Cat McDonald, the lead lobbyist for the bill, tells us about the bill's content, how likely it is to pass, and the challenges that lie ahead for this proposed legislation. We also discuss the history of the federal government’s support for civic education – and how this plan is different from what's come before.

You can see a video of this episode at this link.

Resources on the Civics Secures Democracy Act:

CivXNow Coalition Website

Civics Secures Democracy Act Text (32 pages)

Ask Questions or Get Involved in CSD (Contact Form)

About Catriona McDonald

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